The Library's group study rooms are available on both a first come, first serve basis and by reservation.
Reservable rooms (VLIB 104, 105 & 106) can be booked by WSU Vancouver students for up to two hours; these rooms are for individual or group use (up to 6 people).
First come, first serve rooms (VLIB 102A, 102B & 107) are open to all and can be used for however long is needed; these rooms are for groups of 2-8 people. VLIB 107 also serves as the Library’s Prayer, Meditation, and Reflection room. Uses of the room for these purposes are prioritized.
Room bookings will be posted on study room doors when the library opens. Personal names and emails will not be displayed, only the Group Name given in the booking form. Reservations made later in the day will still be honored even if they are not posted on the door.